Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Yes or No

I don't enjoy watching romance movie because the time seems to pass exceptionally slow and the scenes are draggy #没浪漫细胞,哈哈# . But this one was fine for me. Part 1 was about how the love story between two girls a.k.a roommates began. Found it OKOK. This is my 1st time watching  this type of movie. Initially, I feel that it's quite strange, however, it got more interesting as it went on. It isn't less romantic than any other romance stories.

Part 2 was a blast for me, some scenes were touching that I cried. Silly I know. It actually reminded me of something.  Haha. 
Some might find such movie disgusting. I feel touched. Nice movies. =)


  1. hahaha. i love the 2nd part actually .perhaps you have watched crazy little thing called love ? thai movie as well but btwn guy and girl haha .

  2. yeah sunshine! it's nice and different from other movies i've watched =D
    Gosh, i watched that, made me cried only,especially the last 30 mins. haha. any other nice movie to intro??
